Another Business for a Healthy California
We need your help to expand the coalition supporting SB 562.
According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, more than 3.6 million firms in California employ 20 people or less. We believe there are many supporters of SB 562 within this sector that need to be identified, and many more that need to be educated on why “Medicare for All” serves their interests as businesspeople and citizens. They embody an enormous voting block and resource base.
In addition, they represent a critical, credible segment of the population that needs to speak out to counteract and neutralize what will be a fierce, negative campaign waged by vested interests in the health care industry and their mouthpieces at Chambers of Commerce around the state. Let’s make sure that the real voice of business is heard loud and clear about why SB 562 is a job creator, and how it makes small business more competitive!
The Business Alliance for a Healthy California (BA4HCal) seeks your help to mobilize the small business community in our Another Business for a Healthy California campaign. We have developed an information packet specifically oriented to small business owners for your use in visits to neighborhood enterprises.
The packet includes:
Letter of introduction describing the Business Alliance for a Healthy California
Flyer - Business Reasons Why to Support SB 562
Flyer with a graph illustrating payroll savings projected under SB562
Small poster of support shopkeepers can put in their window
What you can do:
The Chocolate Lady
Take info packets with you when you canvass in neighborhoods
Talk to local business owners or managers about SB 562
Ask them to sign on as an endorser of the Business Alliance for a Healthy California and support SB562
Ask them to put a sign in their window
Talk to your friends and colleagues who may own or manager small businesses. Ask them to become an endorser, or refer them to the Alliance if they have questions or want to help out
Interested in doing outreach to small businesses?
Email us at
Outreach Training Webinar
This webinar, presented by the Business Alliance for a Healthy California, provides an overview of the business case for the Healthy California Act, aka SB 562, and review talking points, techniques, and resources for campaign volunteers who wish to enlist the support of businesses in their areas.